
Neutron Probe

The Radiological Detection System (RDS) Neutron Probe is designed to detect neutrons in the energy range from 0.025 eV (thermal or slow) neutrons to 15 MeV (fast). The Neutron Probe has advanced solid-state neutron detection capability. The detector is surrounded by a High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) material that efficiently slows high-energy neutrons down to a detectable level. The rounded shape allows for sensitivity to neutrons coming in from all directions. The orientation plate on the side of the probe is to be used as a positioning aid against flat vertical surfaces.


Mission Survey for measuring neutron dose equivalent rate
Detector Type Advanced solid state neutron detection
Emitter Neutron
Dose Rate Units Count Rate – cpm, cps. Dose/Exposure Rate – mRad/hr, µGy/hr, mrem/hr, µSv/hr Total Dose/Exposure – Mrad, µGy, mrem, µSv
Detection Neutron energy range – thermal (0.025 eV) – 15 MeV
Dose Rate Range 100 µRem/hr to 10 Rem/hr
Typical Sensitivity 380 cpm per Rem/hr
Measurement Range 0-10 Rem/h
Measurement Accuracy ±25% for dose rates <1 mRem ±10% for dose rates ≥1 mRem
Gamma Rejection Ratio 3000:1
Typical Background <1 cpm
Alarms Saved in Base Unit memory
Display RDS Base Unit
Power Supplied by RDS Base Unit 25 mA maximum consumption
Dimensions 8.3″ x 8.3″ x 12.4″
Weight 11.8 lb. (5.33 kg)

Additional information

Neutron Probe Features: ​

Detection of neutron radiation

Part of the RDS radiation detecting probe family

Advanced solid-state neutron detection capability (no He-3)

Detector surrounded by High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE), a material that efficiently slows high-energy neutrons to a detectable level

Sensitive to neutrons coming in all directions

Calibration and firmware upgrades via the Data Exchange Console

Common probe connector cable can be used with any Rad Defender probe

Detection range from 0.025eV to 15Mev

An orientation plate is included as a positioning aid against flat surfaces

Meets ANSI N42.34 standard

Robust cable connections

Smart Capability as a smart probe

Designed and tested for military ruggedness to meet both military/defense requirements and industrial applications

Ergonomic handle plus an optional shoulder strap

As a smart probe, the Neutron Probe contains a microprocessor and High Voltage circuitry for creating its own high voltage. No high voltage is transferred across the interface cable. When connected to the Base Unit, the display will show the probe’s image and radiation measurement—the probe’s onboard memory stores the probe type and calibration information.