
GM-1 Energy Compensated Gamma Detector


Geiger-Müller detectors for gamma radiation detection can be provided in different versions: single Geiger detectors GM-1 and double Geiger detectors MERCURY GMP WR for extended measurement range.


All Geiger detectors are energy-compensated and lodged in high-protection aluminum cylinders, together with a built-in HV board.

MERCURY GMP WR detectors are equipped with 2 Geiger-Müller tubes to reach a wider measurement range. The switching between the 2 Geiger-Müller tubes is automatically controlled by the internal electronics, which continuously surveys the count rate level.

A special IP65 housing for MERCURY GMP WR can be provided, which makes possible to install the probe outdoor.

The PS-ZB accessory for MERCURY GMP WR detectors provides local power supply (battery operated) and ZigBee Wireless communication. A receiver (ZB-TC) is then connected to the ratemeter to acquire the radiological data.

Upon request, a GPS locator can be optionally installed in the PS-ZB.

Both the GM-1 and the MERCURY GMP WR detectors are managed by a SATURN ratemeter, connected through a dedicated cable; the ratemeter provides power supply, signal processing and data visualization. Each detector-ratemeter couple forms a monitoring unit, which can be connected in a network to a central host PC running 5700 sMON management software.

Special stand-alone version of GM-1 and MERCURY GMP WR detectors are available for direct connection to a host PC.

Additional Info

Main features:

  • Proven high reliability
  • Special versions available
  • Measurement range: 100 nSv/h ÷ 1 mSv/h (GM-1), 100 nSv/h ÷ 1 Sv/h (MERCURY GMP WR)
  • Energy-compensated Geiger-Müller tube (2 tubes in the MERCURY)
  • Energy range: 40 keV ÷ 1300 keV
  • Wall mounting accessory
  • Connectable to a SATURN ratemeter