The portal is composed, in its standard configuration, of two couples of large surface detectors (5000 cm2), each mounted on one of the two sides of the portal structure.
The portal configuration provides a wide measurement area and it guarantees the best sensitivity. The monitor has an open top; this allows to easily place the containers and boxes to be monitored on the platform.
The boxes have specific and defined standard dimensions, which can be inserted in the system database so that they can be recalled during the measurements. The relative position of the detectors is adjustable through a PLC, to maximize the counting efficiency according to the different geometries.
The portal is equipped with a platform scale, installed at the base of the measurement area, to measure the weight of the boxes.
The whole ARCHIMEDES III system is managed by the user-friendly software installed on the control PC. The software performs the following main functions:
- Commands the PLC for the detector movement and adjustment
- Receives as an input the measurement parameters (box dimensions)
- Detects the weight of the box
- Acquires and processes the data
- Receives as an input new measurement geometries, if needed
- Manages the alarm and malfunctioning statuses
- Saves the measurements in dedicated archives
The environment background is automatically and continuously measured, and it is automatically subtracted from the measurements.